
The API is available at the URL :

<aside> đź’ˇ OpenAPI documentation can be found here :



Semana guarantees the following constraints regarding the ressources for a given major version (included in URL, ex. v1):


All calls require API key (provided in header X-API-Key: abcdef12345), that is related to a workspace.

The API key can be generated from the admin section in Semana (”Admin > API keys”)

Returned data

All response match the following data structured.

	ok: true, // true if success or false 
	page: { // (optional) If data is an array, this element provides the pagination data
		current: 1, // Current page
    count: 1, // Number of pages
    totalItemsCount: 3 // Total items
	data: ..., // The resource data: array [...] or object {...}
	error: {
		code: "bad_argument", 
		message: "The role field is missing"